About AQA Global Assessment Services
What we do
AQA Global Assessment Services improves education and assessment around the world.
We provide best in class research, assessment and curriculum capability, backed by leading digital delivery at international scale, across academic, vocational and professional skills.
We can manage your end-to-end curriculum and assessment design and processing, or we can work with you to develop a self-sufficient model. We provide all levels of support, from a simple software package to design and delivery of a complete solution.

Why partner with us
Our belief in fair and inclusive assessment and the positive impact it has on teaching, learning and society is our compass. For more than a century our mission hasn’t changed, but the way we improve assessment keeps evolving.
We’re a not-for-profit organisation. Our purpose is to support education, teachers and learners, not investors. We reinvest any surplus into research and innovation, to improve the quality and reliability of assessments and contribute to policy and practice worldwide.
We work in partnership with our clients. We tailor our advice, solutions and support to the unique situation and needs of each client. You choose how we work together. We can:
- design and deliver end-to-end solutions on your behalf. We manage all aspects on an outsourced basis
- co-create with you. We upskill and empower you to be self-sufficient and sustain long-term benefits.
Our comprehensive capabilities, experience and services, and our bespoke approach set us apart as a strategic partner, not just a supplier.
Our history
AQA Global Assessment Services is part of AQA, the UK’s leading exam board and an independent charity with over 120 years of assessment expertise and knowledge.
AQA’s history started in 1903 when the universities of Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool established the Joint Matriculation Board. AQA was created in 2000, becoming the largest exam board in England. We now set and mark over half of all GCSEs and A-levels taken in the UK every year. Our income is reinvested back into charitable activities, including our cutting-edge research, which sits at the heart of our assessments and informs policy and debate around the world.
The AQA group developed wider capabilities with the acquisitions of Exampro and Testbase in 2012, e-Marker in 2016, AlphaPlus and Training Qualifications UK in 2022, and GradeMaker in 2023. AQA and Oxford University Press (a department of the University of Oxford) created OxfordAQA in 2015, to provide International GCSEs and A-levels.
AQA Global Assessment Services brings together all this experience, expertise and technology to improve education and assessment around the world.
The AQA group works with clients in over 100 countries
98% of students in England take AQA qualifications
We have delivered 5.3 million on-screen assessments
We set over 900 exam papers, more than half of all GCSEs and A-levels in the UK
We award 5 million GCSEs and A-levels every year
92% of UK schools take AQA qualifications
Each year we mark over 12 million exam papers, with 6.8 million marked digitally
Our UK qualifications are internationally recognised and are taught in over 70 countries
UK Skills Partnership Associate Member

The AQA group
With AQA Global Assessment Services, you’ll have access to expertise, technology and services from across the AQA group.

Our London office
AQA Global Assessment Services
Lynton House
7-12 Tavistock Square
Offices in Manchester, Milton Keynes, Bahrain, Hong Kong