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Assessment Operations

Deliver large-scale assessments confidently with our solutions

Reducing human error in marking is vital to help ensure fair assessment. We are passionate about continuously improving the quality and security of assessment.

We understand the importance and value of delivering, marking and certifying exams on a large scale, in short timescales, with reliability, quality and accuracy. We have a long history of pioneering new technology to implement best practice at each stage of the assessment lifecycle. We share this expertise and proven technology with our clients worldwide for the benefit of learners everywhere.

Every year we:

Award almost four million GCSEs and A-levels

Mark over 12 million exam papers

Scan four million sheets each day during marking

Our services

Authoring and item‑banking

Develop high-quality assessments more efficiently with GradeMaker Pro, our unique authoring and item‑banking system for print and on-screen exams.

On-screen exams

The technology and expertise you need to offer high-quality, valid and reliable digital assessments.

On‑screen marking

Fair and accurate outcomes with e‑Marker®

Exam processing technology

Streamline assessment management and exam processing with our technology.

Results and data analysis

Customised, meaningful reports that make it easy to understand your national education picture, spot trends, adjust policy and make targeted improvements.

Contact our team

Fill in our contact form and we'll get in touch.

Or email:

Our London office

AQA Global Assessment Services
Lynton House
7-12 Tavistock Square

Offices in Manchester, Milton Keynes, Bahrain, Hong Kong

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