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Curriculum Development

Partner with us to design bespoke curriculums and qualifications

We believe in making ‘opportunities for all’ a reality. Our strengths are in designing curriculums with a clear purpose, and setting out qualifications that focus and validate the skills and knowledge you want learners to develop.

Through developing GCSEs, A-levels, vocational and skills-based qualifications, we help learners achieve qualifications with currency, that let them show what they know and can do – and are recognised around the world.

From research to syllabus development, our services include:

  • Research and policy
  • Standards
  • Curriculum design
  • Academic qualifications
  • Technical and vocational qualifications
  • Applied skills
  • School improvement and monitoring
  • Teacher training
  • Learning resources

Tailored solutions

We support governments and education and certification organisations to develop and modernise their learning programmes. We work across school, vocational and professional education, connecting research, global best practice and local requirements to produce trusted and defensible programmes. We provide full service curriculum design and development for bespoke learning and accreditation programmes, from standards frameworks to curriculum specifications and learning resources.

End-to-end service

From working with stakeholders to produce standards, through curriculum design, to qualification and assessment design, and teacher training for delivery.

Customised design

We can work on-site with our clients. Our international experts collaborate with specialist local educators who understand your specific context.

Capacity building

As a charity committed to advancing education, knowledge transfer and partnership is a core part of our offer. We help our clients develop expertise, providing training, consultancy and support to upskill your teams.


We are specialists in academic, technical and vocational education and assessment.

Policy and governance

We support governments in shaping education policy to ensure that curriculums are fit for future needs. We draw on global best practice, reflecting moves away from purely knowledge towards skills, attitudes and behaviours. We ensure that regulatory compliance, governance processes and performance of the assessments meet global standards.

Qualification design and development

Our team of professional qualification and assessment specialists work alongside subject experts to develop qualifications that meet regulations and work for learners and training providers.

Technical and vocational education and training

We work with governments and certification bodies to deliver customised projects, from research to certification, that lead to successful employment outcomes.

Occupational standards

We support governments in aligning occupational standards with teaching and learning programmes, and with labour market-driven initiatives, helping to improve life chances for learners. We have developed over 100 job role descriptions that help establish industry-wide standards and underpin the design of modern vocational qualifications.

Case study: Developing standards

Our team led the development of the new Basic Digital Skills standards on behalf of the Department for Education (part of the UK government).

The new standards cover Entry Level 1 through to Level 1 and capture the full range of basic digital skills needed for life and work.

They were developed in full consultation with stakeholders engaged in digital inclusion and skills, including teaching professionals, education and training providers, employers, digital inclusion charities and awarding organisations.

AQA’s high quality qualifications are valued and respected by employers and universities around the world

92% of UK schools enter qualifications with AQA

98% of students in England take AQA qualifications

We work with clients in more than 100 countries

Case study: Welsh government

Find out how we helped the Welsh government develop new on-screen assessments for school children in Wales aged 7 to 14.

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Our London office

AQA Global Assessment Services
Lynton House
7-12 Tavistock Square

Offices in Manchester, Milton Keynes, Bahrain, Hong Kong

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